Add architectural interest with a ceiling medallion
Hello friends! As I write this post, it’s a balmy -14˚ outside with -36˚ windchill (and that’s an improvement from earlier this morning!). Can you say “Chi-beria”?! Soooo, since we’re buckled up for a rough weather week, I have been adding only indoor projects to my to-do list. One of those projects is to FINALLY paint the GD ceiling medallion that’s been sitting in my basement for months so we can then hang the new light fixture I got for the master bedroom LAST NOVEMBER. (I’m talking November 2017, not 2018.)
There’s a whole post about my master bedroom update here.
Procrastination aside, this is what gave me the idea for this post. So, let’s talk ceiling medallions, shall we?!
Why would I want a ceiling medallion, you ask? Well, they are an easy way to add style and visual interest to a room. If you have a light fixture that deserves extra attention, a ceiling medallion is a grand way to dress it up. Think of them as an accessory, like a beautiful pair of earrings to compliment an outfit.

The ceiling medallion in our dining room has just the right amount of detail to compliment, but not over power the chandelier.
But I don’t have a vintage-style home
Ceiling medallions come in so many different styles and shapes, so you don’t have to have a Victorian or vintage style home to make it work. Say you have a midcentury-modern home. You could find a sleek, modern style medallion to keep with the style of your home, OR you could mix it up and use an ornate medallion with a sleek, modern light fixture. There really are no rules, just go with what appeals to you. Live in a small space? That’s ok, medallions come in all sizes to work in any sized space. The sky’s the limit…or the ceiling, in this case!

This is the medallion I will use in our master bedroom. But first, paint!
Are they expensive?
Another bonus…no! They range in price anywhere from $25 to $250 and up. The more affordable medallions are made of composite, while the pricier ones are made of plaster and/or are handcrafted. If you’re a DIY-er and have the skills to install it yourself then you save even more! I would probably recommend having a professional install if you’re working with a more expensive, plaster medallion however. Just to be safe.

This is a great example of a non-traditional shape. (Photo via Pinterest)

You can have fun and mix ornate with funky and modern. (Photo via Pinterest)

I mean…when can I move in?! (Photo via Pinterest)

You don’t need a fancy chandelier to use a medallion. Case in point. (Photo via Pinterest)
So, there you have it. My argument as to why a ceiling medallion is a great addition to any space! If you’re interested in exploring a medallion for your space, but aren’t sure where to start, shoot me a message and I’d be happy to offer up some ideas!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go paint my medallion before I get distrac….squirrel!