What I’m really into lately–February 2019
With winter still upon us, I’m doing my very best to stay positive and patiently wait for any signs of spring. In the meantime, I thought I’d share some things that I’ve been really into lately, many of which have been keeping me inspired despite the cold, ice and snow!

photo via pbs.org
Victoria (a Masterpiece series on PBS)
Are you watching this? If not, you should! I’m a total sucker for period pieces (much to my husband’s dismay) and this one does not disappoint. It’s the story of Queen Victoria, her reign and her relationship with Prince Albert. It’s my go-to every Sunday evening and definitely helps with the Sunday Scaries!

photo via amazon.com
The music of Chris Stapleton
I’ve never been a big fan of country music. That said, I’ve recently discovered Chris Stapleton and I really like his music! It’s a little more blues-y and southern rock, which is probably why it resonates with me. The harmonies are fantastic. You can just tell he’s a raw and real musical talent. Now, perhaps I’m late to the Chris Stapleton party, but glad I showed up! One of my current favs of his:

Blondo boots–waterproof AND comfortable!
Blondo boots
I’m a realist and I recognize that I’m not sporting open toed shoes anytime soon here in Chi-Beria, so I’m really happy I came across these boots. They are stylish AND they are waterproof, WIN-WIN! This means I don’t have to walk around looking like a Wildling (Game of Thrones reference for those living under a rock) the remainder of the winter in prehistoric-looking snow boots. Oh, and they were on sale so, yay me!

photo via thefitnessmarshall.org
The Fitness Marshall dance workouts
I don’t have a gym membership so when I can’t go outside to exercise, I’ll workout in my basement. I stumbled across The Fitness Marshall on YouTube and WHAT. A. BLAST! Now, I don’t know 90% of the songs he uses and I CAN’T dance (never could), but if you’re looking for a fun workout that flies by and makes you giggle, you have to check this out. (Just a word of advice, might not want to do this where the neighbors can see you )
Money management websites/blogs
Once I educated myself on how to manage money, I really started to geek out about it. (See my post on 5 ways to save money, here) Once a new year rolls around I like to refresh our financial goals for the year. I came across these two sites/blogs and have enjoyed reading them. Millennial Money is a little unconventional but I find his perspective intriguing. The Worth Project is a more straight-forward approach and I like how she simplifies the process of organizing your whole financial picture.
LOVE Victoria! I didn’t know you were watching. No one will watch it with me. WAAA. I’ll watch all the period pieces with you!