March is a good month to…
Well, it’s March and I’ve seen signs of spring trying to emerge between the occasional snowy days and 30˚ temps. I will tell you, those little teasers make me so happy! I just want to clean and purge and sit on my patio with friends (The patio scenario isn’t a reality just yet though, sigh). This is why I find March to be a bit manic. You get quite the range of weather (at least in the Midwest). Even so, there are some redeeming qualities about this month.
March is a good month to…
Bust out the spring décor: Snow and cold be damned, you break out that spring décor! That will turn your mood around before you can say “daffodils”. Try something new, maybe a couple of new pillows or just rearrange what you’ve already got–mix things up. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Let your creativity run wild!
Plan a garden or update landscaping: Maybe you’re an avid gardener, or if you’re like me, you just dream of being a green thumb and in reality aspire to stay ahead of the weeds each year! Whatever level of yard person you are, this is the perfect month to make some plans and maybe even implement a few. I plan on doing a little yard clean up later this month to at least keep things in check!
Celebrate Pi day: Maybe you’re aware of Pi day, or maybe not. If not, here is how they define it on their website (yep, there’s a site!): Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. So there you have it! Now, in celebration of this fine day, you need pie (the yummy kind you eat). See my super easy and delicious lemon cream pie recipe post here and you’ll be all set for this randomly fun day!
Celebrate St. Patrick’s day: Ok, maybe a little more well-known than Pi day! We looove a good corned beef and cabbage meal in this house so I take advantage of the corned beef sale at the market and load up for a few meals. Here in Chicago, they dye the river green for the day and have a huge Irish parade. I haven’t been yet, but I would like to at least check out the river portion of the festivities. The parade sounds fun in theory, but who am I kidding… a little too crowded and crazy for me. It’s best if I just live vicariously through others who go!
Enjoy this “in like a lion, out like a lamb” month. The days are noticeably longer so creep out of that hibernation hole! Before you know it, we’ll be complaining about heat and humidity. Let me know if there is something you enjoy about March in the comments section.