
Studio L Design has a new look!

Hello friends! I know it’s been quite a while since you’ve seen a blog post from me, and for good reason. There’s been a LOT going on behind the scenes over here (oh, and 2020) 😱. After months of blood, sweat and a few tears, this post is one I’m most excited to share… 

The new Studio L Design website is live! 🍾

For those of you who have been following the blog, you’re probably wondering…what happened, I subscribed to Lisa Well, I made the decision to consolidate and move the blog to my business site, Studio L Design. This will better serve both my blog audience and my design clients. Don’t worry, you will still get all the creative and inspirational content you signed up for!

I launched Studio L waaaayyy back in 2001 and it has been through many revamps and evolutions over the years. This latest version, however, feels most like me, and represents how I want to show up for my clients. I’m really proud of this new site and I hope you’ll take some time to look it over. You will find my most recent work featured on the Portfolio page, and my branding process along with the service packages I offer on the Work with Us page. There is also the About section if you’re here for the personal content.😊

I encourage you to share Studio L Design with anyone you know who may be launching a new business, or would like to rebrand an existing business. I always love to connect with potential new clients!

I know 2020 has been a real b$tch, but I am excited and encouraged to pivot and move Studio L into big new directions. As always, THANK YOU for following along!🖤

A big thank you to my web developer, Rob, at Sefer Design Co. and Tim at Momentsmastery for his photography skills! 🙌🏼

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