Why Less is More
Hello friends! I know it’s been a while since my last post (or maybe you hadn’t even noticed 😂😐). To be honest, I’ve been getting myself a little stressed out about not hitting my goal of having a new post here weekly. Then, I stepped back and realized it’s ok to focus on quality over quantity and just simplify. If I don’t feel good about what I’m posting, what’s the point?! Content for the sake of content doesn’t serve you or me. Which lead me to this post… why less if more.
I’m no minimalist, but I am adverse to clutter, in all forms. Not only clutter in the home, but in all areas of my life. There is something about keeping things simple that makes for a calm, clear and happy state of mind. Some examples of the areas I focus on when it comes to quality over quantity are;
As a design student, I was taught the importance of white space. If you look at good design, you’ll notice it’s very clean and simple. “Those weekly grocery circular ads are stunning”… said no one ever. I realize you can’t simplify everything when it comes to design (like said grocery ads), but I strive to keep my designs as clean as possible. Keeping it simple doesn’t mean sacrificing impact or messaging. Apple is a perfect example of simple design with high impact. More about the importance of good branding and design here.

Apple ad – #genius
I consider myself a bit of a homebody, so having a clean and organized home lets me enjoy the time I spend in the space. I don’t have a lot of knick knacks (I mean, who really wants to dust all of that?!) and I’m mindful about having a few quality furniture pieces that fit the space without overcrowding. I purge closets, drawers and basement storage areas at least 2-3 times a year. As far as clothing, again, I prefer to go with quality pieces that are classic vs. quantity. I take full advantage of our city’s annual spring clean-up day where you can put bigger items to the curb for pick up. Thankfully, I married a man who shares my ways so the garage is kept pretty organized as well (thanks babe!😘). My home office, desk and computer are also tidied regularly and purged of emails and files I no longer need. I work far more efficiently when my work space is clean and simple.

photo © Pinterest
Not my home office, but hey, a girl can dream!
Commitments–career and social
Do you have a hard time saying “no”? I did until I realized how overbooking myself was causing me stress and anxiety. We’ve all been there. What I’ve learned is to only take on what is most important to me, both professionally and socially. When I started my design business I didn’t turn anything down in the way of projects. After a few years of late nights and weekends, I decided to only say “yes” to the projects I enjoyed the most and allowed me to work with my ideal clients. The extra money wasn’t worth the stress of dealing with not-so-great clients. Once I pared down the hours I spent in front of my computer, I was able to spend extra time with my family and get out with friends more often. I have stopped over committing to social events as well. I pick and choose what I would enjoy most. This allows me the down time I need to just relax and recharge. I’m definitely one of those people who needs a good amount of alone time!
These are just some of the ways I try and simplify my life. So, while I may not always hit my mark of one blog post per week, just know that when I do have a new post, it’s something that I whole-heartedly feel will bring value to you all! What tips do you have when it comes to keeping things simple? Let me know in the comments. 👇🏼
“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.”
– Henry David Thoreau
Good Post Lisa! I wish I were clutter free, but alas, I am not. I am a clutter person and I think I come by it genetically.